Category: Uncategorized

Ode to Victoria

Tuesday, August 7 2012

There were signs early in my life that I was destined to be an Interior Designer. First, there was the remodel and wallpapering of my dollhouse. Doesn’t everyone do that? Then, there was the love for Victoria Hagan and all that she does. I remember following her work before I had realized my career path and talking about her with people not emersed in all things Interior Design, that looked at me wondering who I was talking about, and why. If I had to pick one designer that is an inspiration to me, and whose work I adore the most it would be Victoria Hagan.

I often see installations that she has done in design publications and while I always admire her work, it was the article I found on Architectural ( that featured her own home that got my heart racing. Seeing her personal style and choices made for her own home was inspiring It’s these kinds of images that make me excited to do what I do and reminds me why I love Interior Design.

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My Happy Place ( well, one of them…)

Monday, July 9 2012

Paso Robles is my happy place. Well, maybe number one on my short list. There are so many reasons I love to spend time there; from the amazing wineries and restaurants to the scenery. Every view looks like a California landscape painting. I just spent a few days there and wanted to share a few snapshots.

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